Free SIP Account Google Voice
What's so great about getting a free sip account with Google Voice? There are quite a few reasons to get a Google Voice number (and some other companies' calling cards, such as Vodafone) for free. The first reason is that Google Voice has an expiry date, which typically is in the second week of February. When this date comes and goes, people usually call it a "dead date," as they've already used the one week to call in and request another sip.
This is also why Google Voice offers free SMS, as well. When you sign up for a Google Voice phone number, you receive a text message with your phone number, and then you can send text messages and use free SMS services from any compatible cell phone. You can receive voice calls even if you don't have internet access or a compatible cell phone. Another reason to get a free sip account with Google Voice is that you can have unlimited long-distance calls when you have a Google Voice phone number, and you can make unlimited local calls when you have a Google Phone number, as long as your home telephone number isn't on the list. So what is stopping you from taking advantage of these great services?
Can You Have a Free SIP Account?
Most people used Google Voice only when they had internet access. Because of this, they did not want to commit anything other than the free SMS texting that they got from their Google Voice number. As it turns out, the free SMS and long-distance calls are going to expire on April twenty-first, which means that those who have already purchased the service will not be able to use them after then. This is when the real problems start for people using Google Voice.
Once you have figured out the frequency in which you will be sending text messages, you also need to find out how much it will cost you. How much will it cost you to send one text message? Is it a one-time payment or do you have to pay monthly payments? What is the total number of text messages that you plan to send in a month? These are all important questions that you must answer before signing up for a text message service for your mobile phone.
There is only one way to get around this problem. Those who are still interested in subscribing but are on the older version of the plan should buy the upgrade after April first, which will give them free SMS after April second, and free long-distance calls after July third. This will get them into the service period for those three vital services. After this point, however, the rates begin to increase dramatically, and those who have not purchased the upgrade by then will find that they are charged an arm and a leg for every text, message, or call that they send or receive. If they want to keep the service, they may have to pay overage fees, which can be hundreds of dollars a month.
If those aren't enough reasons, what about those who made a payment but then forgot about it or were late sending it in? Google Voice will automatically charge you for any missed calls or messages that you sent but didn't receive. Then the rates start to go up again because those services no longer exist. If you're still interested, the only solution is to get a new Google Voice number. Once this happens, you'll be charged for minutes that you never used. This is why most people who purchase VoIP have to make sure that they've closed their credit card accounts and are ready to sign up for a SIP account so that they won't accidentally be charged for something they've already received.
To prevent this kind of scenario, make sure you log in to your account using a different computer than your phone. Also, if you're using a raspberry pi as your login credentials, you should replace it with a secure computer. Otherwise, you could be hacked and your data sold online, or worse, your identity is stolen. As you can see, Google Voice is an excellent way to make inexpensive VoIP calls, but the benefits don't end there. The login information you use should always be secure so that you don't fall victim to identity theft.